🔔 NEUES APP-FEATURE: Nie wieder Ausweis kopieren - einfach als PDF teilen!

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Digital signing

Applications, contracts or cancellations: with Verimi you can sign PDF documents online with just one click.

Even better than a handwritten signature

In order to sign with Verimi, you first have to add your identification data to your Verimi-Account. This allows the recipient to verify who really signed the document. It makes the signature legally valid – just like a real signature on paper, but without a pen.

Benefits for you:

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Convenient for use with PDF documents

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All signed documents in an overview

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Paperless and sustainable

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Easy to use from anywhere

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Legally valid on the basis of the verified identity

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Multiple documents can be signed in one go

Signing with Verimi – how it works:

rechtsgueltig online unterschreiben
Create a Verimi-Account and add your identification data to it once.
unterschrift in pdf einfuegen
Upload a to be signed document and sign it with one click.
unterschrieben herunterladen
Afterwards you can download your signed document.
sicheres bezahlen online

Learn where you can use ID wallet